Cycling accessory manufacturers are well aware of the enjoyment that many cyclists get from cycling in places which may not themselves be easily accessible by bike. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to strap the bike to your car or 4×4, and drive there. Equally important to this is that you need to have the right kind of rack to fit your vehicle and your bike. Most commonly, people used to fix their bikes to a roof rack on their car, but while this is still a popular way of doing things, just as many people are now using different ways of attaching their bike.
If your car has a tow bar on the back, it is easy enough to fit a rack to that, and this leaves the bike less exposed than it would be on a roof rack. Equally, it can fit perfectly well on a rack that you fit to the tail of your boot. Either way, it gives you the chance to transport your bike around with you – using the car for the hard yards and the bike for the free running.
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